Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oprah started it all

Two weeks or so from now, I’ll be turning 30. While counting the remaining days now, I am reminded of the list I made right after graduation –-- that list consisted of all the things I hope to achieve before reaching 30.

[Blame it on Oprah. She influenced me to do that list to begin with.]

I don’t have the actual list with me now but I still remember a few of them. I won’t be posting them here though -- but I did manage to achieve some. Having said that, I have no regrets, and so far, I have exceeded my expectations. I’m not boosting my ego here. Have I proceeded as planned, I might still be happy for having met it but everything would sound scripted and boring. The point is, there's no more mystery. It's not to discourage planning and let life work itself completely, it's more of planning and being open to changes that calls for it. I know, easier said than done.

At present, well, I still keep long-term goals in mind rather put them into writing just to lessen the pressure, lolz. I've said (to myself) to just let life unravel itself but I just can't stop from making a list. It's part of my personality, I guess. The die-hard planner.

But currently, I'm more into my short-term goals. These are based on what's immediate, probable and required. In other words, my short-term goals come as priority (ex. Learn to cook pinakbet or play a musical instrument; Have a baby; Travel more..).


Carine said...

Good luck in achieving your goals :p I'm just 20, and I haven't written a list but I know what I'd to do and I hope that, reaching 30, I'll be able to say that I've achieved some of them.

Nashe^ said...

Yes yes hurry up... I wanna see your baby... ^^

nando.gino said...

sounds interesting. I think Im gonna make my own list too.