Friday, May 02, 2008

that eggplant-colored frock!

That morning, while mama was sorting old things before categorizing them under 'trash', she found my grad ball dress. Immediately, i grabbed and did my best to wear it! Yes, it kinda no longer fits me, especially, the hip part. the waist area was loose so that would mean I had bigger tummy eight years ago, lol.
The dress was designed by my brother. I really had no idea that THAT would be the outcome: fish-tail, chiffon top with small bead work. I could only remember that I chose the color, and funny thing was that during our grad ball, most girls wore violet or, i did NOT stand-out. LOL! Also, my brother and his friend did my make-up as well of my friends' except for Stella. The result was, we almost had the same 'look' because my brother applied the same shades on us. If only i could have, at least, requested to make mine a little different! haha. That was March 2001, Pacific Grand Ballroom at Waterfront hotel.

That night was memorable.
I only wore it once. And i don't think there's any other occasion that I'll be wearing it again. =(

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