After a week, minus the office working hours that permitted me to limit my reading on nights only, I finally finished reading HP and the Deathly Hallows. Every night became an affair with that book, making it a point to read a minimum of 3 chapters before sleeping. I even avoid reading spoilers and the excerpts of NBC's interview by Meredith Vieira with JK Rowling was tempting, was not spared from my rule.
Tiny Spoiler alert!!! (probably, no need for I think almost all HP fanatics have read it..)
Rumor has it, before the finale was published, Harry would die or any one of his best friends (Ron or Hermione); and I'm glad, none of the 3 end up dying. I had that thinking prior to reading the book but my concern then was, 'How did he die?'
Rumor has it, before the finale was published, Harry would die or any one of his best friends (Ron or Hermione); and I'm glad, none of the 3 end up dying. I had that thinking prior to reading the book but my concern then was, 'How did he die?'
My curiosity led me to flip more pages than my target that at one time (night), lying and about to sleep but I just can't for I had a hard time shutting my eyes (like insomnia creeping back to me). I was thinking too much of what I've just read and my eagerness to know of the succeeding events was killing me. It's always like that; Those books that affect me greatly ---the likes involving death and mystery.
So all is well that ends well but at the expense of some characters' deaths. Who would have thought that the second very most hatred by Harry turned out to be one of his greatest heroes? It all boils down to the great gift of JK Rowling in writing. Her ability to twist stories, creating history on each important character and connecting them to their present.
For me, her decision to end the book at 7th only shows her dedication and obviously, not for the profits alone. She could have written up to further series yet she chose to end it. I guess that's one thing that I admire of her. She retired while at her peak, not waiting for the public to lose interest over the boy wizard.
Me and HP, the history.
Harry Potter series will always be part of my life. In the late 90s, still in university, I was introduced to the first book, HP and the Sorcerer's Stone, by my mother's co-teacher. She was kind enough to lend me the book. The first book was not as thick compared to the later books. Not even close to half of it. So, then, began my love for HP's magical world.
Me and HP, the history.
Harry Potter series will always be part of my life. In the late 90s, still in university, I was introduced to the first book, HP and the Sorcerer's Stone, by my mother's co-teacher. She was kind enough to lend me the book. The first book was not as thick compared to the later books. Not even close to half of it. So, then, began my love for HP's magical world.
Then came the 2nd book, HP and the Chamber of Secrets, also from her. I forgot as to whom I borrowed the 3rd book, HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, but as to whoever you are, I am grateful for allowing me to read his 3rd year in Hogwarts.
In 2004, the 4th one: HP and the Goblet of Fire, was from a Japanese woman officemate, Sekine. Upon knowing my adoration for the boy wizard, she lent it to me the next day.
Still in 2004, I borrowed the 5th installment, HP and the Order of the Phoenix, from a friend who luckily bought the huge book at a flea market.
The 6th book, HP and the Half-blood Prince, was via a Word document. I know it was a bootlegged copy yet it kept me company during my humdrum moments in our Cebu office.
Toby reserved the 7th for me at National bookstore and I claimed it --- just in time for my home leave last July. Though I have seen all movie adaptations, I am beginning to collect HP DVD series. I now have the 3 films and presently, eyeing on the 4th yet waiting for the right discounted price. After 3 months, the 5th film will surely be on record stores. And I am planning to buy it, regardless of its cost, before going back home. As well as the books, I'm pretty certain that National has loads of enough stock of the previous books. Though I have the complete HP e-books, they are no way comparable to the hardcopies.
Lovely books! Thank you Ms. Rowling for taking us to Hogwarts, the Forbidden forest, Diagon Alley, Gringotts and even letting us spend bad summers with Harry and the Dursleys in Privet Drive.
Hats off to JKR!!
Hats off to JKR!!
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