It all started last weekend.
I was putting myself into 'house arrest' mode -- credits to the A H1N1 (Swine) flu scare. While taking a break from my reading (and for having nothing to watch since most of the shows I avidly follow had already finished: AI and my guilty pleasure, ANTM =P), an idea came to mind to divert my attention for some..comedy. More than two weeks ago, I vaguely saw a TV show while on board the plane for Narita; That show with the actor who played Doogie Howser in the 90s..
And that's how my current obsession on 'How I Met Your Mother' was born (it actually began airing last 2005 according to my research this morning). I had no idea what was it all about beyond its title. I let the first few episodes sank in for me to get to familiar with the characters instead of searching its synopsis at the net.
All I can say ----- Barney rocks!
P.S. Finally finished reading the 'Count of Monte Cristo'. Because of the numerous characters (extensively) involved in the story, I just had to write their names on paper, and jot a few background information of each because my memory can't hold much.
P.P.S. The Swine flu scare seems to have ceased. Great!
Haven't seen How I Met Your Mother but I remember back in my kiddie days I used to have a major crush on Dougie Howser. hahaha
How I Met Your Mother! Barney rocks. :)
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