Wednesday, April 12, 2017

birthday post for 2017

The older I get, the more it feels that everything is moving too fast. I thought it was only me who felt it until a friend told me that she feels the same.

Well, I should be happy having reached this far. As they say, getting old is a privilege denied to some.  Let's see how privilege I am. 
Spring 2017
I am thankful for the blessings, the small family I have, Amber, T and few friends. Life has been nice to me even though most of the time I don't reciprocate. In fact, I really should take into practice about not complaining anymore (although I no longer complain as much), specifically the trivial stuff. Note to self: The life that I enjoy is not something that most people in the world get to experience. 

I may lead a life frowned upon by some but over the years of this practice, it has become a standard partly due to longevity that I no longer give an eff. But of course, I long to be in the place where everything and every person I love are in one place. Someday, someday. 

For myself, I wish for more books to read, more artworks and a better couch in the living room (still looking for that perfect grey couch that will support the comforts of thyself while enjoying movie marathons), and a Swiss made watch. The last one I know can be very personal and shallow but it is my birthday and am free to splurge for having reached this milestone.

On the other hand, I should stop accummulating unnecesaary knick knacks! I hate that I easily fall for cute things, especially if beautitfully and intricately crafted. 

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