Saturday, January 04, 2014


1) Make Sunday a rest day with home-cooked food. Seriously, I need to get back to cooking.

2) My thoughts on shallowness such as beauty and wellness (as if I am such an expert on these). Work and mundane posts are to be minimized if not entirely banned from this day onwards. 

3) Travel.

4) Read more. Currently reading: 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup

5) Exercise. Though I have achieved my target weight way earlier than expected last year, I still need to be slim fit (not losyang thin). Modesty aside, I did not go through such extremes just to lose weight because being payatot runs in the family; but working on Fergie abs is difficult because I always find an excuse but if truth be told, blame it on laziness that I don't even see the point to include this as a must-do anymore =P

6) Buy an iTunes card just to make use of my phone's music app. I so miss listening to music while en route work. Current LSS: Brave by Sara Bareilles

Cheers to the new year! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! :-)