Thursday, December 31, 2009

the year that was 2009

(1) Got to spend more time with T (compared last year). Being in LDR is never easy and so far, we've handled everything well. This, of course, is according to me but I dunno with him, lol. I did promise myself not to let 2009 pass without being together with him -- for good. But for some reason, we've decided to stick to our respective 'barracks' for a while and let's see what happens on the first quarter.

(2) Work was not very hectic that led me to re-studying Nihonggo. I googled and the rest happened beyond my expectations (I mean, in terms of my teacher and schedule). As to my own assessment, I think I'm doing fine.

(3) The book project. In my previous post, I stand corrected. I claimed being able to read a total of 33 books but judging the present situation, I'm still stuck at number 32. Credits to that Murakami book (The Wind-up Bird Chronicle). It is soo dragging. So detailed that describing the entire look of an austere office filled one whole page, which can be described in just one or two sentences. I don't mind details. I even adore authors doing them. But for a plain office, anyone does have an idea what it looks like. While one chapter leads to another, I always hoped for Kumiko to show up, and end Mr. Wind-up Bird's reflections on reality.

My fault. The hope of reaching the target probably clouded my concentration on the book; Thus, making it impossible for me to enjoy it. I just have to bear the details until the last pages. Besides, it's just one office and who knows, the book might leave a lasting impression on me.

(4) Last take on twenty-something. I'm turning 30 next year. *sigh*

There, the year that was. Not much of a drama, not much of fun(?). There's nothing remarkably special. Not that I'm complaining.

I'm thankful for having lived 2009. I'm in good health and hope it continues 'til the universe knows when; friends and family are fine; and the world's economy is still striving but there's not much I can do about that.

For 2010, all I can say is 'Bring it on!'


Nashe^ said...

Have a great 2010! Being 30 and all... :)

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Happy New Year sweetie! And don't worry you don't look anything near 30, i'd say you still look like your 22! =)

Tam said...

Yes, this year was remarkably uneventful for me as well...
It's time I wake up and change things round. I feel limited as my health has not been great, but I can't let that stand in my way more than it has to. YEAH, BRING IT ON xD

amor said...

Thanks =)

Yes, I have to admit that I'm aware of that, lol.

You mentioned about your health causing you to feel limited -- that got me curious. If you do have a blog, pls. let me know.