Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Highlights

I know it's too early to sum up a list but I decided to compose ahead just in case the world will end on December 12, 2012. In the hopes of someone or something or Batman survives the Armageddon and gets to read this post (granted the internet still works after doomsday), let it be known that I lived a life and did not merely exist. My 2012 was amazing; Entirely different from my usual highlights of the previous years and Amber's arrival totally changed my outlook and priorities in life.
(from top left)
  1. Amber spent the first quarter and first two weeks of April inside me. (Photo taken on my 30th week).
  2. Peanut Butter and Chocolate filled Oreos. I know it's an overstatement to include this in the list but let me explain the reason. While pregnant, this had been my daily snack of choice and I could consume 4 packs in one sitting (1 pack = 5 cookies)! Funny is that I lost my craving for them after giving birth.  
  3. Brought out my inner chef. Chef Gusteau of Ratatouille (movie) said that 'Anyone can cook!' --  I couldn't agree more. One of my first cooking attempts was Escabeche. The sauce took me long to master it at awesome levels.
  4. Asparagus wrapped with Bacon. One of the easiest foods to prepare. So easy I made them only once.
  5. Went back to reading until I gave birth. That explains my 2012 book project a failure. As for The Hunger Games book that I've been trying and finding time to finish since April, I'm still stuck to that page wherein Katniss was on her way to the Capitol.
  6. This sketch of a pregnant woman was, of course, inspired by me. LOL! Though she kinda looks like a Kardashian.
  7. Amber's birth. The MAJOR highlight of my 2012. I could go on write a whole post on how unforgettable April 16, 2012 was but I will save a special lengthy post about it when she turns one. 
  8. Words with Friends! I got addicted to this game while waiting for Amber to pop out.
  9. The SAHM (Stay-at-home mom) Life. Sometimes boring, oftentimes busy.
  10. Amber's first pool experience.
  11. Amber's christening. 
  12. Best shoe purchase of this year: Dr Martens Polina brogues.
  13. Other than sketching, I went back doing some vector artworks while pregnant. I was hoping to earn money out of it =P
  14. Amber finally met her cousin, River.
  15. Amber at 6 months. Her smile never fails to light up my mood.
  16. The last time I set foot on that building was in June 2010. Looks like I'll be seeing it again in 2013. 
In short, my lucky color for 2012 is Amber. Everything in that year is about her, and so is the rest of my life will be for her.

For 2013, I look forward to Amber growing up. I am happy to say that she'll be growing up where I can see and hold her daily. Though we will not be spending time 24/7, the important thing is that at the end of the day, I get to tuck her in bed and in the morning, I am the first person she sees.


Nashe^ said...

Aww! You look all set to be the best mom in the world :D

Cha said...

It does look like Kourtney Kardashian! Oh, your baby is so cute!