Sunday, February 26, 2012

picture Sunday: 32 weeks

top and jeggings: Uniqlo | shoes: Toms

Yesterday, my ObGyne told me that my baby weighs 2 kgs. which according to her is beyond the average weight of 1.8 kgs. expected from a 32-week old pregnant woman. Thus, she advised me to do a lot of walking. 

I think this had to do with the Krispy Kreme doughnuts and the pasta indulgence I devoured for the past two weeks -- I had been cooking pasta dishes which left me satisfied. So further pasta experiments will be put on hold because I really have to seriously control and monitor my diet now that I'm 8 weeks to my due date and aiming for non-CS delivery. 

February is ending soon and signs of Spring are evident.
From hereon, I shall do some walking in the afternoons, and deny myself of ice cream and Oreos. 


Nashe^ said...

Of course you can indulge...just not too much! hahahaa. A heavy baby is typically a healthier baby, no? You look really healthy to me though! :))

shiera said...

Congrats ninyo... looks like you really love your stay there.
Praying for easy and fast delivery ;)
God bless!

amor said...

@nashe, heavy baby does not necessarily mean healthy. If baby's weight keeps on increasing, I don't think baby will be able to pass through the normal passage (you know where, lol).

@shiera, thanks! Pero mas nindot ghapon ang Japan.